Monday, June 17, 2013

My First Post.. So Exciting

This is my first post... hmm what shall I talk about with this one.. well this blog is dedicated to my crazy life with 3 crazy girls or I could talk about the upcoming surgery of my 5 yr old or I could just blabber on about nothing in particular.

Well, I guess here it goes.

Well my oldest crazy kid started summer camp today and my youngest crazy kid started daycare and I spent a full lovely day with my middle crazy kid just enjoying some mommy and her time.
I think that was the first time in her life that I have ever just had a day with her and not had my little one with me or my older one tagging along.
It was really nice just enjoying her and her craziness.
I took her to the mall play area (yes a mall play area) which is nice because it doesn't cost money and the kid could run around for hours bouncing and jumping and doing what she does to get rid of all her energy. Today it was more hanging on me and climbing on me.
Why does it seem when kids get in an area where parents are allowed to sort of relax the kids use you for a jungle gym and not the actual jungle gym area for that stuff?

Well after my full workout being a human jungle gym I then took her to her favorite restaurant. MCDONALDS!
Yes I know bad parenting because everyone says its sooo bad but the kid only gets McDonalds once a month so why not treat her when its a special day just for her and me?

So I took her there and I had a nice older man come up to me and start talking to me about how my kid reminded him of his kid and after 30 minutes of listening and smiling and shaking my head in response he finally went away and all the while he was talking my 5 yr old crazy kept trying to talk to me and kept interrupting him by screaming.

Seriously embarrassing if you ask me. So we then went home and she napped for a good 2 hours.
She never naps but I wore her out being her jungle gym.

So my lovely day with my crazy 5 year old went wonderfully and I love her to pieces.
Never under estimate the love of a mother who is part jungle gym!

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